ERIA Research Project Report FY2024, No. 12
- Pages
- 12
- Published in
- Indonesia
Table of Contents
- Supit Padrem Vichien Tantiwisarn and Surasit Tanthadiloke 1
- 1. Basic Concept of Low-carbon Energy TransitionCarbon Neutrality 1
- 2. Final Energy Consumption 1
- BAU business as usual LCETCN low-carbon energy transition scenariocarbon neutral Mtoe million tonnes of oil equivalent. Source Authors calculations. 2
- 3. Power Generation 2
- 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 2
- Industry Transport Others Non-energy 2
- Mtoe 2
- -1.7 2
- -19.9 2
- -1.1 2
- 0.0 2
- CCS carbon capture and storage LCETCN low-carbon energy transition scenariocarbon neutral PP power plant TWh terawatt-hour. Source Authors calculations. 3
- 4. Primary Energy 3
- 100 3
- 200 3
- 300 3
- 400 3
- 500 3
- 600 3
- 1990 2000 2019 2020 2030 2040 2050 3
- TWh 3
- Coal Coal PP with CCS 3
- Oil Natural gas 3
- Natural gas PP with CCS HydrogenAmmonia PP 3
- Solar Wind 3
- Hydro Others mainly biomass PP 3
- BAU business as usual LCET low-carbon energy transitioncarbon neutral Mtoe million tonnes of oil equivalent. Source Authors calculations. 4
- 5. Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction 4
- 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 4
- Coal Oil Gas HydrogenAmmonia Others 4
- Mtoe 4
- -60.8 4
- -24.9 4
- -45.6 4
- BAU business as usual LCETCN low-carbon energy transitioncarbon neutral Mt-C million tonnes of carbon. Source Authors calculations. 5
- 6. Hydrogen Demand across Sectors 5
- 100 5
- 120 5
- 1990 2019 2050 5
- Mt-C 5
- Mtoe million tonnes of oil equivalent. Source Authors calculations. 6
- 7. Energy Cost Comparison between BAU and LCETCN Scenarios 6
- 100 6
- 150 6
- 200 6
- 250 6
- 1990 2000 2019 2020 2030 2040 2050 6
- Mtoe 6
- Coal Oil Natural gas Hydro Others HydrogenAmmonia 6
- KW kilowatt. Source Authors calculations. 7
- Source Authors calculations. 8
- BAU business as usual LCETCN low-carbon energy transitioncarbon neutral. Source Authors calculations. 9
- Hydrogen 0 18314 9
- Gas 4302 382 9
- Oil 16109 10803 9
- Coal 2641 106 9
- 15000 9
- 10000 9
- 5000 9
- 5000 9
- 10000 9
- 15000 9
- 20000 9
- 25000 9
- US million 9
- BAU business as usual LCETCN low-carbon energy transitioncarbon neutral MW megawatt TWh terawatt-hour. Source Authors calculations. 10
- BAU business as usual CCS carbon capture and storage LCETCN low-carbon energy transitioncarbon neutral. Source Authors calculations. 12
- 8. Conclusions and Recommendation 12