cover image: One Oxfam Policy on Protection from Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment

One Oxfam Policy on Protection from Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment

22 May 2024

OXFAM PSEAH PRINCIPLES AND COMMITMENTS Oxfam is committed to achieving full, ongoing implementation of the Six Core Principles relating to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Working Group on Prevention and Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Minimum Operating Standards on PSEA and the Core Humanitarian Standard on. [...] - Oxfam Employees and Related Personnel are obliged to create and maintain an environment that prevents sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment and any form of child abuse4 and promotes the implementation of this Policy. [...] Safe, Respectful and Inclusive Organisational Culture: Oxfam will make every effort to create and maintain a safe, equitable, and inclusive organisational culture where all those who work for and with Oxfam as well as those in the communities where Oxfam operates are treated with dignity and their rights and voices are heard and respected. [...] Oxfam commits to refer survivors to competent support services as appropriate and available and according to the wants and the needs of the survivor. [...] - Staff and partner training8: Oxfam Employees and Related Personnel must receive as part of their induction trainings on PSEAH and Safeguarding when they join Oxfam, including a briefing on Oxfam’s policies and values, the Code of Conduct, information about how to report concerns, and advice about where to seek further information about safeguarding and safer practices across the organisation.


Caroline Ndindi

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