cover image: Asia Democracy Research Network Year Six  - Indonesian Political Party Finance for a Better Accountability

Asia Democracy Research Network Year Six - Indonesian Political Party Finance for a Better Accountability

27 May 2021

This paper will explain 1) the regulation of the political party finance; 2) supervision, reporting, and control of the political party finance; and 3) evaluation of the political party finance and proposals for reforms in the governance of the political parties finance. [...] Political parties become eligible to compete in the election only after completing many procedural activities such as the submission of the organization and structure of the political party to the General Election Commission, followed by a verification process by the General Election Commission. [...] This financial assistance, therefore, is given in line with the structure of the political party committee which is at three structural levels of the political party organization: the national level, the provincial level, and the regency or city level.1 Article 5 Paragraph 7 of Government Regulation No.1 of 2018 states that the amount of the value of financial assistance (provincial, district/city. [...] To contribute to the healthy life of the political party, therefore, the regulation of political party finance must be carried out better so that political parties are not controlled by the owners of money, who are willing to make contributions to the political party but at the end, they demand revenge with policies, decisions, concession and political protection. [...] In other words, the regulation of political party funds is not effective in regulating the finances of political parties, thus, political parties tend to ignore the interests of their members and the public interest.9 This study, therefore, aims to analyze the financial system of a political party, analyze the regulations set by the government, and analyze the mechanisms of the governance of polit.


Baek, Jinkyung

Published in
South Korea