The deaths by American Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, in the wake of these two faces of development directions: to as a teach-in intended to provoke awareness are a reminder of what is to come if we remain and appreciation for the natural environment numb to the face of escalating threats to the en- look deeper, in the United States. [...] The privatization on agriculture and food security, and the loss of of the energy sector, including large dams and land to communities on coastal areas because of coal fired power plants, and the liberalization of sea level rise, it failed to mention a very crucial the local mining industry are examples of such issue that will help farmers and fisherfolks, the structural adjustments in Philippine. [...] ment has placed a market-value on the issue of The NFSCC takes note of existing laws on en- conservation, without consideration of the nega- ergy such as the Renewable Energy Act and the tive effects of tourism projects in the past, such Biofuels Law that the government can maximize as displacement of communities. [...] However, under the En- cOntRadictORy POLicies ergy Independence Scheme of the MTPDP 2004- The aims of the Climate Change Act to ad- 2010 and neo-liberal power sector restructuring dress the vulnerability of poor communities is under the Electric Power Industry Restructuring contradicted and overwhelmed by the continu- Act (EPIRA) of 2001, the government offers fis- The aims of the ation of existin. [...] Beyond the landlessness and exploitative relations that plague the farmers are the environmental problems that wreak havoc on the various ecosystems and the livelihood of the peasants.
- Pages
- 24
- Published in
- Philippines