cover image: Public disclosure of mine closures by listed South African mining


Public disclosure of mine closures by listed South African mining

15 Jan 2021

For local communities, sustainability reports offer limited of full disclosure, the inability of users to understand the implications insight into the social and economic effects that may be left in and the lack of action related to the information (Weil et al., 2006). [...] In many ‘will require a more complete accounting of the distribution of the instances, the social implications of mine closure will surface only costs and benefits arising during different phases of the mine life- after the asset has been closed, and the developer is no longer pre- cycle.’ (Bainton & Holcombe, 2018, p. [...] The nied the information on mine closure applications in the Northern Cape, second analytic phase involved a detailed analysis of the reports to with records for the Springbok and Kimberly offices. [...] In 2017 Sibanye disclosed the risk of closing the Beatrix mine (South Africa) and the closure of the uranium In line with findings by Sturdy and Cronje (2017), the four companies processing plant at the Ezulwini asset (South Africa) in 2017. [...] First, in contrast to the detailed disclosure of the legal aspects of mine clo- Most of the reporting on socio-economic issues relates to programs sure, reporting on the social aspects of mine closure lack basic employed at existing operations.
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