cover image: China Shipbuilder - for the world - By Eric Collins


China Shipbuilder - for the world - By Eric Collins

6 Jun 2017

The only areas for the world shipbuilding industry? was to provide services to foreign shipping we need to improve on are the management After graduation from Dalian University companies and outsource Chinese products skills and coordination of subcontractors. [...] Do the two go together? Dr Sheng Li is President of Shanghai shipbroker with all kinds of maritime people such as ship with Greek companies, and we were the This is true if we review the history of the HIT Marine, and a DBA alumnus of the College owners, charterers, class surveyors, equipment largest importer to the Bahamas for various development path of some big power nations in of Business. [...] the UK, in the Scandinavian countries, in the US, No.1 shipbuilding nation, and what the future holds How did you get into shipping? and in Japan, Korea and China today. [...] In the past few years, as brokers building, and the boom-bust rollercoaster of the past engineers, as well as first line workers such as we have helped lots of small and medium How will air freight and railways 10 years. [...] a large number of shipyards of different sizes, it stimulate the Chinese shipbuilding I was attracted by the pink colour of the sandy but also a complete set of shipbuilding materials industry? beach on this island, and it was called suppliers and equipment makers in China.
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