cover image: Niger - WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA- P175857- Niger Integrated Urban Development and Multi-sectoral Resilience Project - Procurement Plan (English)


Niger - WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA- P175857- Niger Integrated Urban Development and Multi-sectoral Resilience Project - Procurement Plan (English)

19 Aug 2024

climate change mitigation disaster risk reduction disaster risk management adaptation gender urban planning urban development niger disease control rural development disaster preparedness job creation municipal finance private sector development jobs sub-national government pandemic response urban and rural development human development and gender flood and drought risk management geospatial services urban infrastructure and service delivery western and central africa environment and natural resource management


Yabilan Maman

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Niger - WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA- P175857- Niger Integrated Urban Development and Multi-sectoral Resilience Project - Procurement Plan
Lending Instrument
Investment Project Financing
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
NE-Niger Integrated Urban Development And Multi-Sectoral Resilienc -- P175857
TF No/Name
TF0B5187-Building Urban Resilience in Niger,TF0B8566-GFDRR MDTF - Mainstreaming Resilience in Urban Management in Niger,TF0C5086-Niger - Strengthening Early Warning Systems: Resilience to Natural Haza
Unit Owning
Urban DRM AFR West and Central 1 (IAWU1)
Version Type

Table of Contents

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