cover image: Freedom in the World


Freedom in the World

5 Dec 2017

Suddenly, the perspective this provided for the With the end of the Cold War in sight at the policies of the United States during the decades since beginning of the year, many Americans anticipated a the end of World War II is no longer relevant. [...] The the underlying cause: the publicly acknowledged S & L failures weakened further a soft real-estate weakness of the Soviet economy and the consequent market in many parts of the country as the gov- decline of Soviet power and influence. [...] Furthermore, modern means of commun- reasons: the need to deter aggression, the danger of ication preclude the possibility of cutting Americans regional instability in the Persian Gulf, the severe off from the affairs of other countries, or of limiting reduction of needed oil supplies, the loss of American the spread of American culture, with all the con- jobs. [...] 5 Freedom in the World—1990-1991 As the year drew to a close, the events in the • Item: The respected Roper poll indicates, that Persian Gulf gave weight to the contention that the whites have grown more tolerant and that blacks are new foreign policies of the United States would be more satisfied with the quality of their lives. [...] In the rest of the region, will remain without legitimacy in the eyes of most however, the fate of democracy is in the balance.
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