cover image: Progress report: National Adaptation Plan - Assessing progress on the implementation and effectiveness


Progress report: National Adaptation Plan - Assessing progress on the implementation and effectiveness

1 Aug 2024

We have to risks to people’s homes and communities; to strengthen our ability to cope with the effects marae and urupā; to infrastructure like roads of climate change, mitigate the risks, and make and water supplies; to families, workers and the most of the opportunities. [...] The Commission provides impartial focus on the outcomes that can result from information about the choices the government government action and policy, and the choices of the day has to respond to climate change. [...] evidence-based monitoring and advice on how The Act requires the Commission to draw from Aotearoa New Zealand can mitigate and adapt to the best available evidence and analysis and think the effects of climate change and transition to a broadly about the impacts of climate change and the thriving, climate-resilient, and low emissions future. [...] Recommendation 6: Prepare a strategy and plan to develop the climate adaptation workforce We recommend that the Government prepare a strategy and plan to develop workforce needs related to climate adaptation, and identify the skills and capacity to be developed through the education system, across key professional bodies, and within the science and research system. [...] A group of agency the Act are to prepare updated versions of the leaders, the Climate Change Chief Executives national climate change risk assessment (as above) Board (the Board), is responsible for monitoring and to monitor progress towards the country’s the implementation of actions in the national goals for emissions reduction (see Box 1.2: adaptation plan; this includes the preparation The Com.
Published in
New Zealand

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