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Recent Trends and Challenges of Science and Technology Policy in Japan -

23 Sep 2020

2016) The Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI) submitted a recommendation on the Fifth Science and Technology Basic Plan to Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office, and then, the Cabinet has decided the 5th S&T Basic Plan, along the line with the recommendation by CSTI in January 2016, describing future directions of Japan’s S&T and innovation policy for the next 5 years starting in FY2. [...] This survey envisions the future of science and technology and the future of society; it then merges these two to envision the future of society in relation to scientific and technological developments. [...] 60 participants) • Experts judge from various fields (total of 79 members of the S&T Foresight Committee and its subcommittees in respective fields) Four values and 50 visions of the future Sustain- 702 S&T topics (7 fields/59 sections)Humanity Inclusion ability Curiosity Close-up areas of science and technology for the future (8 areas with high potential of multidisciplinary and Visions of the fu. [...] All Rights Reserved 37 New doctoral degree recipients per one million of population Changes in the world ranking of the number of papers and of highly cited papers in major countries Japan’s rank in the number of total papers and highly cited papers (top 10% and top 1%) has declined since the mid-2000s. [...] The time series in the number of papers are 0.0 calculated by the fractional count method, and the percentage of the top 10% highly cited papers in the total papers (Q-value) is calculated by the whole count method.
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