cover image: Digest of Japanese Science and Technology - Indicators 22002105 - Nov. 2020


Digest of Japanese Science and Technology - Indicators 22002105 - Nov. 2020

21 Oct 2020

The number of scientific publications in Japan (fractional counting method) is the fourth in the world and the number of scientific publications with high citations is the ninth. [...] The R&D expenditure of Japan (estimated by the OECD) was the third largest in “business enterprises,” following China and the United States, the fourth largest in “universities and colleges,” following the United States, China, and Germany, and the fourth largest in “public organizations,” following China, the United States, and Germany. [...] Regarding the growth of R&D expenditure from 2000 to 2018 by sector, which shows R&D expenditure in 2018 relative to that in 2000, the “business enterprises” sector had the highest growth in China, Korea and Japan (estimated by the OECD), while the “universities and colleges” sector grew the most in the United States and Germany. [...] R&D personnel: circumstances in Japan and the selected countries (1) The number of researchers in Japan was 678,000 in 2019, which is the third largest in the world after China and the United States. [...] applications to the OHIM / number of Japanese applications to the OHIM) × number of Japanese applications to the USTPO (ii) The corrected number of the U.



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