cover image: Issue 34 Spring 2019 - Sir David Attenborough Speaks Out - “Slowing population


Issue 34 Spring 2019 - Sir David Attenborough Speaks Out - “Slowing population

9 Apr 2019

Our transform understanding of the need to the UNFCCC has not yet delivered all submission calls for consideration of the address it, and catalyse the necessary the action needed to meet its goals. [...] “I have learnt the effects of the harmful There are already results in rural communities: in 2018, eight practice of FGM and discovered the of the villages with the Boys for Change programme in their schools chose to abandon the practice of FGM and no girls truth. [...] Together, they covered the impact of uncontrolled are available to us on the only planet that population growth as a threat to security, food safety, economic development and the environment, as well as the we are able to survive on.” Dr Suchitra Dalvie The discussion kept returning to the seeming dichotomy between individual rights and collective responsibility. [...] We don’t measure our success just by the numbers of vasectomies done, but by the quality of the conversations we instigate.” WVD has two major goals for 2019: to take WVD headquarters to Bogota, Colombia, in partnership with Profamilia and to collaborate with the Man and the Biosphere Programme to create a specialised campaign linking personal choice with the collective effort to produce an incred. [...] Educating girls and family A recent study led by demographer planning rock the world Wolfgang Lutz and published in the Legitimate concern about the violation The number of children a woman has in Proceedings of the National Academy of of human rights in pursuit of population her lifetime usually reduces when she Sciences estimated that the drop in control is examined historically and spends longe.
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