cover image: IAMO Annual 2020 English version


IAMO Annual 2020 English version

21 Dec 2020

Another project specific digital innovations for producers, but also the used to mould agricultural politics within the Kosovo re- benefit for the consumer with regard to product informa- gion addresses among others the acceptance of the use tion, food safety and traceability or the impacts of elec- of digital technologies in the consultation of farmers. [...] A classic Ministry of Economics, Science and Digitalisation of the a gricultural topic, market structures in the Ukrainian Land Sachsen-Anhalt and The Federal Ministry of Food poultry industry, is discussed in the sixth article whereby and Agriculture (BMEL) for their diverse support and val- the seventh article focusses on the phenomenon of trans- uable advice. [...] We would also like to acknowledge the im- ferring social values and individual perceptions during portant contributions from the members of the Board of the return of migrants into the rural areas of the Koso- Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Board. [...] — The ten articles presented in this neering in the German public is the topic of the eight edition also provide insight into the work of the institute article whereas the ninth offers a classification of bioclus- with a focus on research. [...] I will examine the impacts of the rise in examine the changes in emissions embodied in the trad- 30 China as a global player between trade war and epizootics — Daniel Müller ed soybean because of the potential effects of the recent cluded in feed imports.


Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)

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