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Conflicting Narratives of Deep Sea Mining

8 May 2021

A narrative review method is applied, and the analysis inductively structures four narratives in the results section: (1) a green economy in a blue world, (2) the sharing of DSM profits, (3) the depths of the unknown, and (4) let the minerals be. [...] It is important to note that the illustrations and arguments in the narratives below mirror the perspectives and statements expressed in the reviewed papers and are consequently not the two authors’. [...] The ISA has the responsibility of governing these resources as the institution under the UN representing the will of the global population (UNCLOS Art. [...] The CHM principle, according to Feichtner [10], lays the foundation for an exploitation bias that is strengthened by the remoteness of the high seas and the deep seabed, as well as the institutional difference of the ISA from other deciding UN bodies. [...] Realize that the making of the Individual commercial Sharing the Riches of the Sea: Mining Code is tied to expectations of profitability are The Redistributive and Fiscal European Journal Understanding principle of There is a clear exploitation transforming the idea ofFeichtner, I.
deep seabed mining (dsm); international seabed authority (isa); environmental im


Axel Hallgren and Anders Hansson

Published in