cover image: The redefinition of the nationalist movement under Trump era : a comparison between the beginning and the end of his term

The redefinition of the nationalist movement under Trump era : a comparison between the beginning and the end of his term

31 May 2022

Has the nationalist movement undergone a change during the Trump era when comparing the beginning and the end of his tenure? I chose to study two precise periods of D. Trump’s term: the beginning and the end, in order to be able to highlight changes and differences. To answer this question, I will first focus my analysis on the history of American nationalism to explain how it has developed over time, what elements have influenced its development both socially and economically. I will then study Trump’s campaign and his rise to power, the influential people who helped him gain power and the salient elements of his speech that he most emphasised to win the vote. Finally, I will explore the important events that had an impact on American nationalism, as well as the issues he addressed in his re-election speeches.


Mégane Maillot

Bibliographic Reference
Mégane Maillot. The redefinition of the nationalist movement under Trump era : a comparison between the beginning and the end of his term. Education. 2022. ⟨dumas-03784040⟩
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['Bibliothèque TICE', 'Université de Franche-Comté', 'DUMAS', 'MEEF', 'UFC']
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Université de Franche-Comté
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