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A Sustainable COVID-19 Response, Recovery, and Redesign: Principles and Applications of the Triple R Framework

18 Dec 2020

This assessment can help governments understand the COVID-19-related changes in the waste levels, types, and flows; the current collection, segregation, transfer, storage and treatment methods and available resources and technologies; as well as challenges and gaps in waste management due to COVID-19. [...] 4.5 Applications to Biodiversity Response Conservationists and the conservation-minded have been trying for decades to slow or halt the destruction and degradation of natural areas in various parts of the world. [...] For the purposes of illustration, the paper outlined the application to specific issues, noting in some instances the importance of working across sectors—for instance, the discussion of water refers to possible synergies and trade-offs. [...] 17 The Impact of COVID-19 measures on achieving SDGs in Bangladesh and the Republic of Korea Source: Zhou and Moinuddin 2017 Another point pertains to the integration between levels of decision-making. [...] It is also relevant to the “response” and “recovery” components, as the level of cohesion in a society will influence the degree to which the policymaking process and policy implementation are “just”.



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