cover image: Open science infrastructures: Support from the University of Paris Nanterre (UPN) Academic and research libraries

Open science infrastructures: Support from the University of Paris Nanterre (UPN) Academic and research libraries

5 Jul 2023

As the dissemination of knowledge and scientific influence are structuring values of the Université Paris Nanterre in France, the institution adopted an ambitious open science policy in 2021, the year of publication of the second French National Plan for Open Science. The construction of the institution's strategy around open science has acted as a very strong accelerator of collaboration and awareness of the necessary support and reinforcement to be given to the pillar infrastructures of open science. ** Vision of open science at Nanterre The challenge is to develop an original political vision for Nanterre, one that is faithful to its history and context and that reflects its human and humanistic values and realities. The institutions's open science charter and its roadmap are structured by strong commitments in favour of the development of open science, particularly in SSH, which give rise to the implementation of concrete actions. Among these axes, there is one specifically dedicated to the support of open science infrastructures. This support often takes two complementary forms: financial support for international, European or national structures that often have a fragile economic model, in order to consolidate them and enable them to evolve in an efficient and sound manner; participation in the governance of organisations that are building the future of academic research. ** Method, criteria and support modalities This poster focuses on the specific provision of support and participation in the governance of open science infrastructures operated by the Library on behalf of the institution. It presents how this support was conceived and built in order to fit in with the university's open science strategy and in complementarity with its participation in national and international networks related to open science issues. It highlights how the institution aims to strengthen the robustness of the service of the open science pillar infrastructures by providing funding and promoting strong and sound governance in the open science ecosystem. ** The critical role of the library The library has proven to be a privileged actor and operator of the university's open science policy in terms of support and participation in the governance of open science infrastructures. This have been beneficial to the university in terms of strengthening its positioning and its internal dynamics in favour of open science, and to the library in terms of developing innovative, forward-looking and high value-added services that promote access to research results. Indeed, 13 of the infrastructures and organisations supported give rise to the implementation of a concrete service by the library for the benefit of the university or national, European and SSH networks. ** Priorities, risks, benefits: assessment and perspectives Finally, the poster presents the criteria used for the selection of the infrastructures in 2022 and draws a quick assessment of the risks identified and the benefits derived by the institution and the library; it indicates the strategic lines of force pursued in 2023; it states the perspectives and priorities for the future on this subject and presents how this is considered as a real investment for the future.


Cécile Swiatek Cassafieres, Claire Gadault

Bibliographic Reference
Cécile Swiatek Cassafieres, Claire Gadault. Infrastructures de la science ouverte : Soutien de l'université Paris Nanterre (UPN) Bibliothèques universitaires. LIBER 2023 Annual Conference, Jul 2023, Budapest - Hongrie, Hongrie. ⟨hal-04142253⟩
HAL Collection
["Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société", 'Université Paris Nanterre', 'Université Paris Lumières']
HAL Identifier
Université Paris Nanterre
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