cover image: Empathy and translation in cross-cultural consultations

Empathy and translation in cross-cultural consultations

28 Sep 2023

The notions of empathy and translation shed light on each other and allow us to better understand the emotional and relational dynamics at work within cross-cultural consultations used in a psychotherapeutic context. To approach these issues, we will take a clinical situation as a starting point, as well as the questions it raises about translation choices. We will then analyze our affects as co-therapists, before giving the interpreters’ point of view on their practice.


Guillaume Wavelet

Bibliographic Reference
Guillaume Wavelet. Empathie et traduction dans les consultations transculturelles. Hybrid. Revue des arts et médiations humaines, 2023, 10, ⟨10.4000/hybrid.3190⟩. ⟨hal-04200075⟩
HAL Collection
["Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société", 'Université Paris Nanterre', 'Université Paris Lumières', "Collection supérieure de l'université Paris Nanterre", 'CLIPSYD', 'INFOLOGY-INFOLOGIE']
HAL Identifier
Université Paris Nanterre
Clinique, Psychanalyse, Développement
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