cover image: A Flexible Cloud-based HIL Testing of Batteries for Various Electrified Vehicles

A Flexible Cloud-based HIL Testing of Batteries for Various Electrified Vehicles

29 Nov 2023

Power Hardware-In-the-loop (HIL) testing is increasing in the automotive industry for testing subsystems for new vehicles. Usually, the test is located in a unique place (stand-alone (local) HIL). The key-points for a vehicle manufacturer and subsystems suppliers are time and confidentiality. Using the cloud is a way to satisfy the both. Cloud model sharing is developed to spare time and cloud-based real-time simulation limits the access to the models to only certain variables. In this paper, a cloud-based power HIL testing is proposed using a cloud of vehicle models. The Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) formalism is used to organize all the models. It facilitates the interconnections between the simulated and power tested subsystems. Two new batteries are experimentally tested, one for an electric vehicle, the other one for a plug-in hybrid vehicle. The same cloud is used and the power test facilities are located in two different locations. This shows the flexibility of the method.


Ronan German, T. Kalogiannis, Alain Bouscayrol, J. He, Florian Tournez, M. Berecibar, C. Husar, M. Ciocan, S. Costa, A. Genic, Betty Semail

Bibliographic Reference
Ronan German, T. Kalogiannis, Alain Bouscayrol, J. He, Florian Tournez, et al.. A Flexible Cloud-based HIL Testing of Batteries for Various Electrified Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, pp.1-10. ⟨10.1109/tvt.2023.3337655⟩. ⟨hal-04327711⟩
European Project Title
Powerfull Advanced N-Level Digitalization Architecture for models of electrified vehicles and their components
HAL Collection
['Arts et Métiers Technology Institute', 'OpenAIRE', 'Université de Lille', 'L2EP', 'Université catholique de Lille', 'Hesam', "Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers - Hesam", 'Institut de Recherche de l’École navale', 'Laboratoire Angevin de Mécanique, Procédés et innovAtion', 'Laboratoire Conception de Produits et Innovation', 'Laboratoire des Matériaux et Procédés', "Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Physiques et Numériques", 'Mécanique, Surfaces, Matériaux et Procédés']
HAL Identifier
['Centrale Lille', 'Arts et Métiers Sciences et Technologies', 'JUNIA', 'Vrije Universiteit Brussel [Bruxelles]', 'Siemens Industry Software S.r.l.']
Laboratoire d’Électrotechnique et d’Électronique de Puissance - ULR 2697
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