cover image: Flows as Makers and Breakers of Port-Territory Metabolic Relations: The Case of the Loire Estuary

Flows as Makers and Breakers of Port-Territory Metabolic Relations: The Case of the Loire Estuary

14 Jul 2023

Ports worldwide are shifting from their original locations, and the reasons behind these patterns of port development are multifaceted. Reasons for locational changes may include local factors such as natural conditions, or global trends like containerisation. This article argues that flows play a significant role in making and breaking metabolic relations between spaces. The authors use a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches to characterise the evolution of port and territory interactions. A historical sequencing illustrates the successive phases of connection and disconnection between port and non-port spaces over the years. Drawing from the urban metabolism framework, the analysis of a port’s traffic structure demonstrates how flows influence a port’s extraterritoriality. For this research, the case of the Loire estuary was chosen: the Grand Maritime Port of Nantes Saint-Nazaire is a polycentric port that originated in Nantes and extended coastward in Saint-Nazaire. The case study reveals that a port reaching an urban area does not necessarily mean it will engage or support metropolitan development. Moreover, it concludes that flows are active drivers of territorial development in port regions. The research more broadly discusses the extraterritoriality of large logistics and transport infrastructure, like that of ports.


Annabelle Duval, Jean-Baptiste Bahers

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Bibliographic Reference
Annabelle Duval, Jean-Baptiste Bahers. Flows as Makers and Breakers of Port-Territory Metabolic Relations: The Case of the Loire Estuary. Urban Planning, 2023, 8 (3), ⟨10.17645/up.v8i3.6757⟩. ⟨hal-04218468⟩
HAL Collection
["Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société", 'Université Rennes 2 - Haute Bretagne', 'CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique', "Université d'Angers", 'Université du Mans', 'Archives ouvertes de la Géographie', 'Archives ouvertes de la Sociologie', 'SOCIOLOGIE', "Archives ouvertes en Architecture et aménagement de l'espace", "Architecture et aménagement de l'espace", 'GIP Bretagne Environnement', 'Normandie Université', 'Espaces et SOciétés (UMR6590)', 'Université Rennes 2', 'Espaces et Sociétés - Rennes', 'Espaces et Sociétés - Nantes', 'Université de Rennes', 'Université de Caen Normandie', 'Nantes Université', 'Institut Agro']
HAL Identifier
['Université de Caen Normandie', 'Le Mans Université', "Université d'Angers", 'Université de Rennes 2', 'Nantes Université - pôle Humanités', 'Institut Agro Rennes Angers']
Espaces et Sociétés
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