cover image: Flow stress improvement of a nickel multicrystal by physical vapor thin film deposition to reduce surface effects

Flow stress improvement of a nickel multicrystal by physical vapor thin film deposition to reduce surface effects

1 Jan 2022

Uniaxial tensile tests were carried out on nickel sheets containing only few grains across the thickness thus presenting a so-called multicrystalline state. Pristine sheets used as reference and substrates covered by a nickel layer deposited by physical vapor deposition (magnetron sputtering) were studied. Results attest that the surface treatment affects the plastic deformation mechanisms by playing the role of a blocking barrier to dislocation movement which leads to a significant improvement of mechanical performances. The surface restructuring of the nickel sheets is efficient to stop dislocation escape through free surfaces and allows a mechanical improvement of the well-known strong mechanical softening of the multicrystals.


Pierre-Antoine Dubos, Ameni Zaouali, Pierre-Yves Jouan, Mireille Richard-Plouet, Valerie Brien, David Gloaguen, Baptiste Girault

Bibliographic Reference
Pierre-Antoine Dubos, Ameni Zaouali, Pierre-Yves Jouan, Mireille Richard-Plouet, Valerie Brien, et al.. Flow stress improvement of a nickel multicrystal by physical vapor thin film deposition to reduce surface effects. Materials Letters: X, 2022, 14, pp.100145. ⟨10.1016/j.mlblux.2022.100145⟩. ⟨hal-03671734⟩
HAL Collection
['CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique', 'Ecole Centrale de Nantes', 'Institut des matériaux Jean Rouxel', "l'unam - université nantes angers le mans", 'Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique', 'PCM', 'Institut de Chimie du CNRS', 'Nantes Université', 'TEST2-HALCNRS']
HAL Identifier
['École Centrale de Nantes', 'Nantes Université - pôle Sciences et technologie', 'Institut de Chimie - CNRS Chimie']
['Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique', 'Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel']
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