cover image: Sentinel Events (SE) I. Sentinel Events Definition of Sentinel Event


Sentinel Events (SE) I. Sentinel Events Definition of Sentinel Event

5 Feb 2021

Further, reporting the event enables the addition of the “lessons learned” from the event to be added to the Joint Commission’s Sentinel Event Database, thereby contributing to the general knowledge about sentinel events and to the reduction of risk for such events in many other practices. [...] Interview and review of relevant documentation including, if applicable, the patient’s medical record, to evaluate the following: n The process the practice uses in responding to sentinel events n The relevant policies and procedures preceding and following the practice’s review of the specific event, and the implementation thereof, sufficient to permit inferences about the adequacy of the practic. [...] The Joint Commission must receive a request for review of a practice’s response to a sentinel event using any of these options within five business days of the self-report of a sentinel event or of the initial communication by The Joint Commission to the practice that it has become aware of a sentinel event. [...] The Joint Commission’s Response Patient safety specialists from The Joint Commission assess the acceptability of the practice’s response to the sentinel event, including the thoroughness and credibility of any comprehensive systematic analysis information reviewed and the practice’s corrective action plan. [...] If, during the course of conducting survey activities, a potential serious patient safety event is newly identified, the surveyor will take the following steps: n Inform the practice CEO that the event has been identified n Inform the CEO the event will be reported to The Joint Commission for further review and follow-up under the provisions of the Sentinel Event Policy Shading indicates a change.


Turn-Key Systems Pty Ltd

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