cover image: Use of a regional-scale stream gauge database to produce and update a low-flow reference system

Use of a regional-scale stream gauge database to produce and update a low-flow reference system

13 Dec 2023

In the Rhine-Meuse basin (French part), catalogues of low-water reference flows were published at the end of the 1990s. This article describes the approach used to produce them, based in particular on numerous gaging campaigns covering the entire territory at a fine scale, and used to adjust low-water hydrological profiles. These catalogues have become a widely used operational tool for local water authorities. The question of updating them then arose, through an analysis of the stationarity of a low-water index (QMNA) over the period 1971–2022. The results of this study show that a large proportion of the stations studied are not stationary, particularly in the Vosges massif. There has been a general downward trend in QMNA since the early 2000s. The future work stages include the identification of a new reference period and the creation of a large database of low-water gauges. The latter will enable current low-water hydrological profiles to be compared with catalogue data, and will be used to identify possible additional low-water measures.


Benjamin Grelier, Hajar El Khalfi, Claire Delus, Gilles Drogue, Sébastien Lebaut, Luc Manceau, Didier Francois

Bibliographic Reference
Benjamin Grelier, Hajar El Khalfi, Claire Delus, Gilles Drogue, Sébastien Lebaut, et al.. Utilisation d’une base de données de jaugeages à une échelle régionale pour la réalisation et la mise à jour d’un référentiel d’étiage. LHB Hydroscience Journal, 2023, Special Issue: Secheresse-Etiages 2023, ⟨10.1080/27678490.2023.2287051⟩. ⟨hal-04342393⟩
Agence de l'Eau Rhin-Meuse
HAL Collection
['GIP Bretagne Environnement', 'Université de Lorraine', 'Collection LaCAS - Open Archives in Language and Cultural Area Studies', 'LOTERR - Centre de Recherche en Géographie']
HAL Identifier
Université de Lorraine
Centre de Recherche en Géographie
Published in