cover image: Emerging Minds Families - When we’re really struggling to parent - What is ‘good enough parenting’?


Emerging Minds Families - When we’re really struggling to parent - What is ‘good enough parenting’?

26 Aug 2024

The drugs were in the way I see in hindsight, but at the time I didn’t because I’d ‘I always felt like my family was different and “less done that since I was 14, way before I was a mum. [...] And I remember I had a tear in my eye and I thought, Fiona’s experience “Oh my gosh, I don’t even have common sense.” It was due to my past traumatic path. [...] had done it before, and gone back and gone Then it became a pattern so ingrained in me that back and gone back, and then had two more I didn’t even know I was doing it to the point that I kids with him. [...] Flick’s advice ‘Ask yourself: “Am I OK with this? Am I OK with ‘So I had to again, get into therapy and work out my parenting? Am I OK with the way I’m living?” and find a way – how do I emotionally connect Because there’s always this gut thing that to my own emotions so I could be emotionally something’s not right, but we go against that, right? available for my children? I had to look out for wh. [...] It was being able to finally have my own mum tuck me in at night and tell me she loves me, not – What kind of parent would you like to be? somebody who had to play that role when all I wanted and cried for at the end of the – What is getting in the way of being the day was a family just like everyone else’s parent you want to be? that had their mum and dad at the end of each and every day.
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