cover image: Stochastic models for mobile ad hoc networks

Stochastic models for mobile ad hoc networks

7 Apr 2005

In the first part of this thesis we focus on the mobility and the message delay in mobile ad hoc networks. This is done by focusing on the characteristics of a number of different mobility models. Derived are the positions of the nodes in stationary regime, the amount of time until two nodes meet (again), and the amount of time that two nodes remain within communication range of one other. This information provides us with a basis for the derivation of the message delay in mobile ad hoc networks. In particular, closed-form expressions are obtained for the message delay under a number of different relay protocols and mobility models.The second part is devoted to the study of polling systems composed of two queues. The distinction from classical results is that the sequences of switchover times from each queue need not be i.i.d. nor independent from each other; each sequence is merely required to form a stationary ergodic sequence. With stochastic recursive equations explicit expressions are derived for a number of performance measures, including the average delay of a customer and the average queue lengths. With these expressions a comparison is made between two service disciplines and through a number of examples it is shown that the correlations can significantly increase the mean delay and the average queue lengths. This has important implications for communication systems in which a common communication channel is shared amongst various users and where the time between consecutive data transfers is correlated (as is the case in ad-hoc networks). In the third part we consider a tandem queue with holding costs for each customer. An explicit expression is obtained for the value function of the average costs when there is no inflow of customers. The expression obtained provides an intuitive explanation and can be used for optimisation purposes and for the full derivation of the value function when there is an inflow of customers.


Robin Groenevelt

Bibliographic Reference
Robin Groenevelt. Modèles stochastiques pour les réseaux ad hoc mobiles. Réseaux et télécommunications [cs.NI]. Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2005. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00274901⟩
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['INRIA - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique', 'INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée', 'INRIA-SOPHIA', 'TESTALAIN1', 'INRIA 2']
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Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée
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