Developing a common approach for classifying building stock energy models


Developing a common approach for classifying building stock energy models

15 Sep 2020

these concepts to the modeling of residential building stock energy use, The scope of research that falls within the energy epidemiology field is identifying eight major types of modeling techniques under the general broad, including both modeling of energy use in the building stock under top-down and bottom-up categories (Fig. [...] Brøgger and reduce the energy and emissions of the buildings sector, while assisting Wittchen [17] adopt the general Swan and Ugursal classification, while the increasing number of global, national, and sub-national scale ini- discussing the appropriateness and accuracy of each model type in the tiatives on sustainable development, such as the Sustainable Develop- context of European policy-making. [...] comparing and contrasting the capabilities for each, utilizing the general The scope of the proposed classification scheme covers models of the bottom-up and top-down divisions provided in Swan and Ugursal. [...] A summary of the classification quadrants, the such as handling of time dynamics, model and input uncertainty, and the strengths and limitations of the modeling approaches they represent, geographic and spatial resolution and extent of models. [...] Parallel Annex 70 work is underway to address the lack of evidence Transparent descriptions of how each of these types of dynamics is in the published literature on the treatment of uncertainty in building handled in building stock energy models are crucial for assessing the stock energy models.
building stock energy models,urban building energy modeling,model classification


J. Langevin

Published in
United States of America