Are you the parent or guardian of any children under the age of 18, or not? Women 19-64 Men 19-64 NORC 11/19-12/17/2020 N = 3,661 N = 1,144 Yes 38 32 No 61 67 DON’T KNOW - - SKIPPED/REFUSED * * EMP. [...] Since March 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following because of the COVID-19 pandemic, or not? NORC 11/19-12/17/2020 Women 19-64 Men 19-64 N = 3,661 N = 1,144 Yes No DON’T SKP/REF Yes No DON’T SKP/REF KNOW KNOW Skipped preventive health services, 38 62 - * 26 73 - 1 such as a yearly check-up or routine test Skipped a recommended medical 23 77 * 1 15 85 - 1 test or treatment Delayed or we. [...] Since March 1, 2020, have you had to take time off work for any of the following reasons related to COVID-19? Women 19-64 Men 19-64 NORC 11/19-12/17/2020 N = 2,316 N = 829 I personally became ill with COVID-19 or was quarantining 12 11 I was caring for a family member who was sick with COVID-19 or quarantining 5 5 My child’s school or daycare was closed due to COVID-19 12 9 I have not had to take. [...] Since March 1, 2020, (have you had to take on new or additional responsibilities caring/have you had to care) for a family member or relative due to reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic, or not? Women 19-64 Men 19-64 NORC 11/19-12/17/2020 N = 3,661 N = 1,144 Yes 12 8 No 87 91 DON’T KNOW - - SKIPPED/REFUSED * 1 COV13. [...] Since March 1, 2020, (have you had to take on new or additional responsibilities caring/have you had to care) for a family member or relative due to reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic, or not? Women 19-64 Men 19-64 NORC 11/19-12/17/2020 N = 3,661 N = 1,144 Yes 12 8 No 87 91 DON’T KNOW - - SKIPPED/REFUSED * 1 COV13.
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- 11
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- United States of America