cover image: Alaska - 3-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN 2020–2022


Alaska - 3-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN 2020–2022

11 Jan 2020

While the ecosystems of Bristol Bay are largely intact and the fisheries are sustainably managed, the potential large-scale extraction of valuable mineral deposits in the region threatens the salmon fishery and the people that depend on it for income, food, livelihood and culture. [...] Recently, dozens of Bristol Bay © HAILSHADOW/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES Alaska: 3-Year Strategic Plan 6 Goal Outcomes The Bristol Bay watershed is managed to prioritize healthy » Two hundred and fifty thousand acres of watershed and intact salmon habitat, and local leaders and residents and salmon habitat in the Bristol Bay region remain have the resources and authority to ensure sustainable intact and a. [...] Build the capacity of limited-access programs) and the cumulative impacts residents to participate in and influence fisheries of colonialism, contribute to the loss of opportunity and resource management. [...] The most pressing The Southeast Alaska coastal temperate rainforest is direct threats to the ecological integrity of this region sustainably and collaboratively managed by and for are old-growth timber harvest and a lack of restoration the communities who live there with a diverse suite of following historical logging in the Tongass National ecological, social and economic functions. [...] Policies to reduce carbon emissions legislation to address climate change and Alaskans and other measures to halt and prevent the further are active participants in natural carbon sequestration exacerbation of the impacts of climate change must solutions.
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United States of America