cover image: Quick Safety 58 Preventative care during pandemic FINAL 2 25


Quick Safety 58 Preventative care during pandemic FINAL 2 25

25 Feb 2021

Other reasons for postponing or avoiding preventative care include: • Local public health officials recommending minimizing visits for nonurgent health care reasons.3 • Stay-at-home orders may be in place.3 • Awareness of overcrowded hospitals and concern about the prevalence of COVID-19 positive patients in hospitals.4 • A misconception that hospitals are only serving COVID-19 patients. [...] Patients may feel their presence is needed more at home, where they may be assisting with remote education.9 Safety actions to consider: Health care organizations can use any of the following strategies/actions (those actions applicable to their setting, needs and resources) to encourage patients to seek preventative care, which may result in better outcomes during this time of uncertainty. [...] • Communications to patients could note the risks of delaying preventative care.1 • To address concerns about potential exposure to COVID-19 while seeking health care, organizations could describe precautions taken to reduce this risk.1 • Organizations and providers should promote and encourage the use of a home-based test for colon cancer screening for low risk individuals. [...] The intent of Quick Safety is to raise awareness and to be helpful to Joint Commission-accredited organizations. [...] The intent of Quick Safety is to raise awareness and to be helpful to Joint Commission-accredited organizations.


Bill bullerman

Published in
United States of America