cover image: Does-AUKUS-Pillar-I-provide-capability-bang-for-buck


23 Aug 2024

In response to the 2023 Defence Strategic Review Australia’s 2020 DSU, 2023 DSR and 2024 Nation- (DSR), the announcement of the AUKUS subma- al Defence Strategy, alongside the strategic docu- rine optimal pathway and the planned expan- ments of Australia’s allies and partners, have one sion of the surface combatant fleet, the current thing in common: a recognition that the world government announc. [...] of approximately $716.4 billion over the decade.10 The uplift in the defence budget announced in May 2024 will provide for defence spending of $765.4, providing approximately an additional $49 billion beyond the DSU growth profile over Whilst it’s important to the next 10 years.11 The Attack-class submarine program that put the often quoted ‘$368 preceded AUKUS was expected to cost approx- imately. [...] The increased defence budget committed to by assessment is the cost over the current government more than accounts for the gap between the planned Attack-class spend the near to medium term. [...] If one is forced to make the choice, it Let’s double that to $45 billion to cover basing, is surely vastly more important to deter or defeat crewing, weapons, and sustainment — that’s a the looming threat in the later 2020s than to bit over 12% of the cost of the SSN fleet. [...] Moreover, the stealth and range of the B-21 means First, the government must stem the catastroph- much of the huge but repeated cost of modern ic loss of ADF personnel, where currently there munitions can be displaced onto the one-off is attrition of 500 to 600 service people a month.

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