The third edition of The High Cost of Cheap Tuna by Greenpeace USA provides a comprehensive assessment of the human rights and environmental practices within the tuna supply chains of major U.S. supermarkets. This report evaluates 16 major retailers, grading them based on their policies and actions concerning the sustainability of tuna sourcing and the protection of labor rights at sea. While there have been some improvements since the previous edition, the report highlights that most retailers still fall short of implementing effective measures to prevent labor abuses and ensure sustainable fishing practices. Aldi and Hy-Vee are recognized as the top performers, with Aldi being the only retailer to receive a passing grade. The report underscores the continued prevalence of forced labor, illegal fishing, and unsustainable practices in the tuna industry, exacerbated by a lack of robust traceability and human rights due diligence among retailers. Greenpeace calls for stronger commitments from supermarkets to uphold international labor standards, improve traceability, and eliminate transshipment at sea, a practice linked to significant human rights abuses. The report concludes by urging consumers to make informed choices and for retailers to adopt more stringent policies to protect both the environment and the workers within their supply chains.
- Pages
- 48
- Published in
- Netherlands
Table of Contents
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- 2024 Tuna Retailer Scorecard 4
- Introduction 5
- Methodology 6
- Results & Findings 9
- Conclusion 15
- Retailer Profiles 16
- Appendix 33
- References 44