58 p.
- Published in
- Geneva : UN
Table of Contents
- Common core document forming part of the reports of States parties 1
- Norway* 1
- Abbreviations 3
- I. General information about the reporting State 4
- A. Demographic, economic, social and cultural characteristics of the State 4
- (a) Demographic characteristics 4
- Members of religious and life stance communities outside the Church of Norway, by religion/life stance per 1 January 20231 6
- (b) Economy 6
- Household income 7
- Consumer price index 9
- (c) Social expenditures 9
- The National Insurance Scheme 10
- The Government Pension Fund 10
- (d) Health 10
- All ages 12
- (e) Education and training 14
- Highest completed education in the population aged 16 years and older 15
- Kindergarten 15
- Percentage of children attending kindergarten by different age groups 15
- Primary and secondary education and training 16
- Pupils, apprentices, and trainees in upper secondary education as a percentage of registered cohorts aged 16–18 16
- Higher education 16
- Students in higher education in Norway and abroad 17
- New entrants to higher education and awarded qualification after 8 years. Numbers and per cent, interval 17
- Teacher-to-pupil ratio in publicly funded schools 18
- Literacy rates 18
- (f) Employment 18
- Employment rate (as a percentage of the population) and unemployment rate (as a percentage of the labour force) by age group. 2021–2023 18
- Numbers of persons employed by major industry and age group. Residents. Percentage of women and men in each industry. Q4 2023 19
- Percentage of employed immigrants as a share of the population, by background. 20–66 years. 2021–2023. Q4. 20
- Registered unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force. Non-immigrants and immigrant population. 15–74 years. Per Q4 2017–2020. 21
- Percentage of employed and unemployed persons with disabilities in the age group 15–66 years. Q2 2017–2020. 21
- (g) Proportion of international assistance provided in relation to GNI 21
- B. Constitutional, political and legal structure of the State 21
- (a) Form of government 21
- (b) Democracy, political parties and the electoral system 21
- Distribution of seats in the Storting by political party/organisation 22
- Number of recognised national political parties 23
- Number of eligible voters 23
- Percentages of female members of the Storting 23
- (c) The Norwegian Government 24
- (d) Counties and municipalities 24
- (e) Legal structure 24
- (f) Indigenous peoples 25
- (g) National minorities 26
- (h) Recognition of non-governmental organisations 27
- (i) Crime and administration of justice 27
- II. General framework for the protection and promotion of human rights 28
- A. Acceptance of international human rights norms 28
- (a) Main international human rights conventions and protocols 28
- (b) Other United Nations human rights and related conventions 34
- (c) Conventions of the International Labour Organization (a selection) 34
- (d) Conventions of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 35
- (e) Conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International Law 36
- (f) Geneva Conventions and other treaties on international humanitarian law 36
- (g) Conventions of the Council of Europe (a selection) 36
- B. Legal framework for the protection of human rights at the national level 37
- (a) Legislation 37
- The Constitution of Norway 37
- The Human Rights Act 38
- Other legislation 38
- (b) Competencies of judicial, administrative and other public authorities in relation to human rights 39
- (c) Remedies 39
- The European Court of Human Rights and other regional complaints mechanisms 39
- C. Framework within which human rights are promoted at the national level 39
- (a) Introduction 39
- (b) National and regional parliaments and assemblies 40
- The Storting (Norwegian Parliament) 40
- County and municipal authorities 40
- (c) National human rights institutions 41
- The Norwegian National Human Rights Institution 41
- The Parliamentary Ombud for Scrutiny of the Public Administration 41
- The Ombud for Children 41
- Other Ombud institutions 42
- (d) Dissemination of human rights instruments 42
- (e) Raising human rights awareness among public officials and other professionals 43
- (f) Promotion of human rights awareness through educational programmes and Government-sponsored public information 43
- Kindergartens 43
- Primary and secondary education 43
- The European Wergeland Centre 44
- The Sami and the Jewish Pathfinders 44
- (g) Promotion of human rights awareness through the media 45
- (h) Role of civil society, including non-governmental organisations 45
- (i) Budget allocations and trends 45
- (j) Development cooperation and assistance 45
- D. Reporting process at the national level 46
- (a) The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) 46
- (b) The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 46
- (c) The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 46
- (d) The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 47
- (e) The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) 47
- (f) The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) 47
- (g) The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) 47
- (h) The International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearances (ICPPED) 47
- III. Information on non-discrimination and equality and effective remedies 47
- A. Legal framework 47
- (a) The Constitution 47
- (b) Incorporation 48
- (c) The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act 48
- (d) The Working Environment Act 49
- (e) Housing legislation 49
- (f) The Penal Code 49
- B. Institutional framework and effective remedies 49
- (a) The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud 49
- (b) The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal 49
- (c) Organisation within the central public administration 50
- C. Gender equality and specific vulnerable groups 50
- (a) Efforts against hate speech 50
- (b) Gender equality 50
- (c) Equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons 51
- (d) Equal rights for persons with disabilities 52
- (e) Equal rights for ethnic and religious minorities 52
- (f) Immigrants, including asylum seekers and refugees 53
- D. General measures adopted to reduce economic, social and geographic disparities 55
- (a) Education and training 55
- (b) Employment 56
- (c) The Norwegian National Insurance Scheme 56
- (d) Social Services and housing 56
- (e) Other measures to promote social inclusion and poverty reduction 56
- (f) Measures to reduce geographic disparities 57
- Annex 58
- Useful Websites 58
- Legislation* 58