Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission
- 52024SC0209
- SWD_2024_0209_FIN
- SWD(2024)209 final
- Pages
- 61
- Published in
- Belgium
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction 7
- Purpose and scope of the evaluation 7
- Methodology of the evaluation 8
- 2. What was the expected outcome of the intervention? 8
- 2.1 Description of the intervention and its objectives 8
- 2.1.1 Sustainable fisheries partnership agreements (SFPAs) 8
- 2.1.2 SFPA between the EU and the Government of the Cook Islands 9
- 2.2 Point(s) of comparison 11
- 3. How has the situation evolved over the evaluation period? 12
- 3.1. Utilisation of fishing opportunities 12
- 3.2. Catches 13
- 3.3. Scientific cooperation 13
- 3.4. Technical measures 14
- 3.4.1. Monitoring, control and surveillance 14
- 3.4.2. Embarkation of seamen 15
- 3.4.3. Observers 15
- 3.5. Sectoral support 16
- 3.6. Monitoring of sectoral support 16
- 3.7. Financial aspects 16
- 3.8. Reporting obligations 17
- 4. Evaluation findings (analytical part) 18
- 4.1. To what extent was the intervention successful and why? 18
- 4.1.1 Effectiveness 18
- 4.1.2 Efficiency and economy 23
- 4.1.3 Coherence 25
- 4.1.4 EU added value 26
- 4.1.5 Relevance 27
- 4.1.6 Acceptability 28
- 5. What are the conclusions and the lessons learnt? 28
- 5.1. Conclusions 28
- 5.2. Lessons learnt 30
- 6. Ex ante evaluation 30
- 6.1. Problem analysis and needs assessment 31
- 6.2. Current and future needs of the Cook Islands 31
- 6.3. Current and future needs of the EU 31
- 6.4. Current and future needs of both the Cook Islands and the EU 32
- 6.5. Current and future needs of the EU fleet 32
- 6.6. EU added value 33
- 6.7. Policy and management objectives 33
- 6.8. Policy options, including associated risks 35
- 6.9. Results and impacts 36
- 6.9.1. Environmental, economic and social impacts 36
- 6.9.2. Comparison according to standard evaluation criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and coherence) 38
- 6.10. Preferred option 40
- 6.11. Monitoring of a future implementing Protocol 41
- Annex I: Procedural Information 41
- Annex II. Methodology and Analytical models used 42
- Annex III. Evaluation matrix 44
- 1 Effectiveness – The extent to which the objectives of the Implementing Protocol to the Agreement were achieved 44
- 2 Efficiency – The extent to which the desired effects are achieved at a reasonable cost 48
- 3 Economy – the extent to which resources are available in due time, of appropriate quantity and quality, and at the best price 49
- 4 Relevance – the extent to which the objectives of the Protocol match current needs and problems 50
- 5 Coherence – The extent to which the Agreement and its Protocol do not contradict and are coherent with other interventions with similar objectives 51
- 6 EU added value – The extent to which the intervention brings EU added value 52
- 7 Acceptability – The extent to which stakeholders accept the policy in general and the particular instrument proposed or employed 53
- Annex IV. Overview of benefits and costs 54
- Annex V. Stakeholder consultation - Synopsis report 58