cover image: Visa Waiver Program - Updated June 29, 2020

Visa Waiver Program - Updated June 29, 2020

29 Jun 2020

The CCD indicates the outcome of any prior visa application of the alien and facilitates the flagging of issues that may make the alien ineligible for a visa under the grounds of inadmissibility of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which include criminal, terrorist, and public health grounds. [...] As with the prohibition against those who were present in certain countries, the Secretary of Homeland Security has the authority to waive the prohibition on certain dual nationals if the Secretary determines that the waiver would be in the law enforcement or national security interests of the United States. [...] national security.27 In addition, countries can be immediately terminated from the VWP if an emergency occurs in the country that the Secretary of Homeland Security in consultation with the Secretary of State determines threatens the law enforcement or security interest of the United States.28 For example, because of Argentina’s economic collapse in December 2001,29 and the increase in the number. [...] 27 The criteria to determine whether a country poses a “high risk” to national security include the number of nationals determined to be ineligible to t ravel to the United States under the VWP during the previous year; the number of nationals who were identified in U. [...] airports,38 and the electronic travel authorization system is operational.39 To participate in the program, a country that receives a visa refusal rate waiver also must meet all the other requirements of the program; be determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security to have a totality of security risk mitigation measures that provide assurances that the country’s participation in the progr.
cover date: june 29, 2020


Abigail F. Kolker

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Published in
United States of America
