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Managing Your Grant - Nuts, Bolts, Coffee - The Initial Paperwork Put the Financial House in Order

16 Mar 2018

Whether it’s a $500,000 grant from the US government or a $10,000 grant from a private foundation, now’s the time to lay essential groundwork to ensure grant funds will be spent and accounted for as required and that program obligations will be met. [...] A few of the most basic, most critical rules include: • Only expend funds as laid out in the approved grant budget • Never use funds from a grant for items not included in the grant budget or for purposes other than described in the grant narrative • If the original budget requires amendment in order to support the purpose of the grant, contact the funder to get permission before making changes •. [...] Review the Grant Proposal In the euphoria of receiving grant funds, staff members can forget to review the grant proposal to refresh their memory on the specifics laid out in the narrative and this can lead to problems. [...] Upon receipt of an award, call a meeting of the executive, fiscal, and program staff who will be involved and review the grant document to ensure a common understanding of exactly what is must be done. [...] Provide the funder with information on evaluation activities and on the degree to which the program is producing the results that were expected.
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United States of America