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Bladder cancer commentary Africa Eur Urol

4 May 2021

Tobacco exposure was increased by 50% in the last 35 yr and this could further directly associated with BCa incidence and mortality among worsen the current scenario in the coming decades [7]. [...] Two main areas require focus in order to reduce the Africa is unique compared to other continents and poses impact of schistosomiasis and tobacco use on the continent: problems in terms of epidemiological evidence, causes of (1) education and knowledge; and (2) public health BCa, and possible future trends. [...] The cultural awareness of diseases First, there is considerable discrepancy between coun- and their symptoms and risk factors is a problem that tries regarding BCa incidence and mortality and the should not be underestimated in some areas of the African population rates of cigarette use. [...] The represent an effective, simple, and low-cost tool capable of prevalence of this disease is at best static for most increasing awareness about BCa risk factors and mortality countries, and may even be increasing in some regions and the importance of early prevention. [...] Epidemiology of bladder changed in the coming years, in particular by decreasing its cancer: a systematic review and contemporary update of risk incidence and mortality.
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United Kingdom