cover image: n° 338 – 10 June 2021   - Ann NY Acad Sci 2021 May 27


n° 338 – 10 June 2021 - Ann NY Acad Sci 2021 May 27

10 Jun 2021

The improvement of the AP possessors' sight-reading performances in response to the suppression of the left DLPFC using cathodal stimulation confirms a causal relationship between this brain structure and pitch labeling. [...] The conclusion points to the complexity of the field of vibrational medicine and calls for specific comparative research on type of vibration delivery, amount of body or surface being stimulated, effect of specific frequencies and intensities to specific mechanisms, and to greater interdisciplinary cooperation and focus. [...] This paper describes in detail the Music Connects Us program, our adaptation approach, and key adaptations made, which included: framing the project to focus on the engagement of the person living with dementia to ameliorate loneliness; inclusion of student and other community-based musicians; reduced requirements for care staff participation; and the development of a detailed musician training ap. [...] This comprehensive review aims at presenting the concept of music as a sociocultural manifestation within the current debate about its biocultural origin and evolutionary function, in the context of the most recent discoveries related to the cross-species genetics of musical production and perception. [...] In the year 2000, the Mariani Foundation has added a new and important dimension to its activities: fostering the study of the multiple links between the neurosciences and music, including music education and early intervention.



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Title in English
n° 338 — 10 June 2021 - Ann NY Acad Ski 2021 May 27 [from PDF fonts]