cover image: Measures to Counter Climate Change - What can we do as individuals and as communities


Measures to Counter Climate Change - What can we do as individuals and as communities

23 Apr 2020

Measures to Counter Climate Change What can we do as individuals and as communities during the COVID-19 crisis? Water Management Solutions and Collaborative Actions Water & Humanity Agenda Congratulating Earth Day on 50 years of action in support Multistakeholder initiative and inclusive platform for collaborative activities, coordinated out of of our planet… Muscat, Oman, partner with Earth Day N. [...] drop in air traffic • Planned restrictions for clean air zones • Nitrogen dioxide levels dropped in UK were postponed significantly in major European cities • The momentum of climate activism is • People and governments can see how hampered fast nature can recover, using it as • In China, production is going to be examples for future strategies ramped up to compensate for previous • New attention. [...] transition to renewable energies) • Collectively: • Protect natural habitats and try to separate human and animal life as much as possible • Gather all scientific evidence on how fast nature can recover and translate it into policy recommendations for governments worldwide • Individual efforts: don’t support wet markets or similar markets where a lot of wildlife animals come in close contact with. [...] “communities of interest”, e.g., via music, art, cooking • Respond to increased interest in food- and water-security by stimulating and linking consumers (demand) and supply (farmers) of eco- food, do away with sugar-rich beverages and support healthy alternatives, identify and act on other items with a strong bearing on health • Local and community action to let nature re-conquer urban areas/open. [...] • Enable the public to interact with the protection of natural resources (old trees, forests, parks) and to participate indirectly in reforestation through “Adopt and grow a tree”, and similar programs • To prepare for and facilitate action on the ideas developed around the Online Forum, Water and Humanity will create a Digital platform/virtual whiteboard • The ideas collected will be further diff.
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