cover image: TFU - TroPical ForesT UPdaTe - Lighting the path to sustainable development


TFU - TroPical ForesT UPdaTe - Lighting the path to sustainable development

27 Aug 2024

At the 19th Session of the UN Forum on Forests, ITTO pressed for action and cooperation; the development, Work to optimize the management of more action, investment and collaboration to unlock the potential dissemination and field implementation of tropical forests and maximize the benefits of tropical forests to meet global challenges. [...] ITTO Secretariat best practices for SFM and the creation of they provide is exemplified by ITTO’s Putting iTTo guidelines at the heart of the global legal and sustainable supply chains; and the development of technical and policy restoration drive...................................................................10 provision of targeted market information to guidelines tailored to the needs of tro. [...] Work to halt deforestation and International Forestry Research, the Food and Agriculture expand restoration in tropical Africa, Asia and Latin America Organization of the United Nations, the World Wide Fund was gathering pace, including through the persistent policy for Nature and the International Union for Conservation and project work of ITTO and its partners. [...] A year later, the opportunity to advance FLR in the tropics widened further with the launch of the United Nations The 2020 update—published under the title Guidelines for Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030.4 The UN Forest Landscape Restoration in the Tropics—was the result Decade has heightened awareness, action and investment of a highly participatory process. [...] First, key elements of the guidelines could be embedded Restoration of a dipterocarp forest: A 16-year-old plantation in a in the work of global conventions with a shared interest in concession in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, one of the 18 case studies promoting ecosystem restoration, notably the Convention that illustrate the application of the ITTO guidelines for FLR in the tropics.
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