cover image: National Policy Statement on Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Policy

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National Policy Statement on Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Policy


All Staff The co-operation of staff and volunteers is vital to the successful implementation of the Health and Safety Policy. [...] Page 5 of 12 Consultation It is the Society’s policy to consult with staff on matters concerning Health, Safety and Welfare, which policy includes consultation with Unite - The Children's Society Section, as they arise but also formally consulted at regular health and safety committee meetings, or sooner if required. [...] The mechanism for consultation will be the Health and Safety Committee as detailed in Appendix B. [...] Training The Children's Society will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that all employees have sufficient knowledge and skills to perform their duties with due regard to the Health, Safety and Welfare of themselves and all those who would be affected by their acts and/or omissions. Arrangements for training are set out in Appendix C. [...] • respond promptly to requests from Safety Officers and Management for professional advice and action where 'the fabric' of the premises is considered to be a Health and Safety hazard. [...] • ensure that Property Services appointed contractors work with due regard for the Health, Safety and Welfare of The Children's Society staff and members of the public and receive relevant health and safety information. [...] Agreed minutes of the Committee and sub-committees will be published on The Children's Society Health and Safety SharePoint site. [...] Advance notice of the meeting will be given to all committee members and staff by notification on the organisation-wide newsletter or email message. [...] In addition, all new employees will receive, during their induction period, training and instruction in: • The Health and Safety responsibilities and duties of the job to which they were appointed. [...] • The Society’s Health and Safety arrangements; • Specific policy and legislation that affects their duties and/or as relevant to the premises they are working.
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United Kingdom