cover image: COMPASS - BRIEFS IN EDUCATION - Female science and mathematics teachers: Better than they think?


COMPASS - BRIEFS IN EDUCATION - Female science and mathematics teachers: Better than they think?

19 Apr 2021

efficacy and student achievement.5 The self-efficacy of Figure 2: A model of the relationship between role models and student achievement Role models: The self-efficacy of role The self-efficacy of models influences the self- students influences their Teachers efficacy of students achievement Parents People in media Students’ Students’ self-efficacy achievement STEM professionals The achievement o. [...] For grade 8, in 11 of the 43 education and 8, and in both mathematics and science, and was systems (26%), boys who were taught mathematics more apparent at grade 8. [...] by male teachers achieve better scores in mathematics than those taught by female teachers.6 Similarly, for This finding was consistent in terms of both the number grade 8, in 12 of the 43 education systems (28%), the of education systems and the average difference in science scores of boys taught by female teachers were scores. [...] Although this trend was less mathematics and science, and this is confirmed in the apparent for grade 8 girls, those who were taught by latest TIMSS data from 2019.7 Figure 3: Achievement differences of students taught by male and female teachers in TIMSS 2015 Number of education systems where students of female teachers score higher Number of education systems where students of male teachers scor. [...] Female mathematics teachers reported self-efficacy than their male counterparts in 16 of the 17 lower levels of self-efficacy than their male counterparts education systems (94%) showing differences at grade in 3 of the 4 education systems (75%) with differences 4, and in 13 of the 15 education systems (87%) showing at grade 4 and all education systems at grade 8.
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