Theories and practice in Buddhist counselling I Assessment: 100% coursework BSTC7604. [...] What are healing practices that bring pleasure to both parties? This course offers a Buddhist perspective of the psychology of perception, emotions, and thoughts in response to illness and incapacity, particularly at the end of life. [...] Ethical issues that have importance for effective group work will also be discussed with reference to the Code of Ethics for Professional Buddhist Counsellors, such as informed consent, confidentiality, conflicts of values, professional competence, and so on. [...] Capstone Experience (12 credits) The capstone experience is designed for the students to demonstrate their competencies as a Buddhist counsellor while participating in a single original supervised project of the student’s choice. [...] The purpose of the project is to integrate knowledge and skills acquired, and which are prescribed in the MBC curriculum. [...] Students will be required to use academic resources such as research studies and Buddhist scriptures to support their analysis of the Buddhist practices. Assessment: 100% coursework Option B: A self-contemplative and reflective autobiography Self-awareness is a crucial component in Buddhist counselling. [...] A general assumption is that the efficacy of a Buddhist counsellor is directly proportionate to one’s level of self-awareness and self-cultivation. [...] Hence, Buddhist counselling students should be the first one to benefit from practice of Buddhist counselling, thereby increasing the confidence and understanding of this model of healing. [...] Buddhist homiletics is the art of the composition and delivery of a specific Buddhist topic. [...] This capstone project involves strong skills in delivering talks and advanced communication skills. Students choosing this option are required to take Buddhist Homiletics: The Art of Presenting Buddhist Teachings as one of the elective courses.11 Assessment: 100% coursework Option D: Buddhist counselling case study Students who are practicing as a helping professional (e.g., psycholog