cover image: Demand Action

Demand Action


Visit and follow us on social media to find out how you can get involved – we’ll be adding lots of resources, tips and info in the run up to 29 September. [...] The majority of these deaths happen in low- and middle-income countries. We want to bring this number down – way down. [...] World Heart Day is a reminder to everyone around the world to take care of their hearts. This year’s campaign focuses on motivating every country to have a national action plan for cardiovascular disease. WHY? [...] We will send a powerful message to leaders worldwide by calling on everyone to sign the first global petition prioritizing heart health. [...] High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for CVD. [...] High blood glucose (blood sugar) can be indicative of diabetes. CVD accounts for the majority of deaths in people with diabetes. If left undiagnosed and untreated, diabetescan put you at increased risk of heart disease and stroke. DID YOU KNOW? [...] Try to eat 5 portions (about a handful each) of fruit and veg a day – they can be fresh, frozen, tinned or dried. [...] If you can do more, go for it! Being more active will bring more health benefits and help offset the negative impact of sedentary lifestyles. Be more active every day – take the stairs, walk or cycle instead of driving. [...] Within 15 years the risk of CVD returns to that of a non-smoker. [...] Exposure to secondhand smoke is also a cause of heart disease in non-smokers. By quitting/not smoking you’ll improve both your health and the health of those around you.
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