cover image: Early childhood, family support and health care services: An evidence review


Early childhood, family support and health care services: An evidence review

26 Jun 2019

The paper begins with a brief overview of evidence regarding the nature and importance of the early years, and the factors that shape child and family functioning. [...] Although poverty does not always lead to abuse and neglect, and is not the only contributing factor, the greater the economic hardship experienced by the family, the greater the likelihood and severity of child abuse and neglect (Bywaters et al., 2016). [...] The key features of high quality care for children under the age of three are: stable relationships and interactions with sensitive and responsive adults; a focus on play-based activities and routines which allow children to take the lead in their own learning; support for communication and language; and opportunities to move and be physically active (Mathers, et al., 2014). [...] Provide outreach services – people whose job it is to find and engage isolated and marginalised families and groups, and to link them with other families and with early childhood and family support services. [...] The Impact of Adverse Experiences in the Home on the Health of Children and Young People, and Inequalities in Prevalence and Effects.


Noushin Arefadib

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