cover image: DOHaD ANZ Conference 18 - paper formatted


DOHaD ANZ Conference 18 - paper formatted

11 Nov 2018

Third, the first 1000 days is the period of maximum developmental plasticity, and therefore the period with the greatest potential to affect health and wellbeing over the life course. [...] Long-term effects of early experiences and exposures There are two key questions to be considered: what are the mechanisms guiding development and shaping health and wellbeing beyond the first 1000 days, and how long lasting are the effects of early experiences and exposures? What are the mechanisms guiding development and shaping health and wellbeing beyond the first 1000 days? Beyond the first 1. [...] Development is always • contextual – shaped by environmental experiences and exposures, • transactional – the child both shapes and is shaped by the environment, and • multi-determined – outcomes are the result of a combination of factors rather than any single factor How long lasting are the effects of early experiences and exposures? While the first 1000 days is the period of greatest developmen. [...] What is the best way of approaching the task of unpacking the implications of the first 1000 days evidence? In our evidence paper, we offered three complementary frameworks for considering the implications of the evidence. [...] 12 Conclusions What is the way forward for this first 1000 days initiative? This analysis of the current situation regarding the first 1000 days initiative suggests the following priorities: • Establish a process for continuously or periodically updating the evidence • Establish an expert reference group to ensure the accuracy of the interpretations in specific fields and to help keep the evidence.



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