cover image: City Heartbeat Index 2024

City Heartbeat Index 2024


The City Heartbeat Index evaluates 50 cities across five domains with 44 indicators and sub-indicators, primarily serving as a benchmarking tool for assessing the drivers and barriers to cardiovascular health at the city level. [...] Physical Environment is the weakest performing of all Index domains, with wealthy cities showing advantages in areas such as open and green spaces and active transport. [...] A higher number of years lived with disability (YLD) due to CVD in a country is associated with better performance on the City Heartbeat Index (r = 0.73). [...] Access to public transport is evaluated based on the share of the urban population with convenient transportation options. Again, high-income cities lead in this domain, with Toronto and London securing the first and second positions, respectively. [...] Seven of the 10 top-scoring cities in this domain are in high-income countries; these are the cities with a combination of lowest risk-factor prevalence or exposure and more data availability at the city level. [...] Detecting and managing hypertension is crucial for reducing the likelihood of CVD and stroke. [...] Efforts to enhance cardiovascular health globally are visible, with notable successes in cities like Hong Kong and London, which score highest on the City Heartbeat Index. [...] Deliver a meaningful contribution to the policy debate around progress in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of CVD at the city level. 2. [...] Economist Impact aimed to ensure that the Index framework incorporated the expertise of those working in the field of CVD and city-level efforts to improve health more broadly. [...] Health and the city: using urban design to promote heart health [Internet]. Biot: European Society of Cardiology; [cited 26 June 2024].
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