We assume the interest rate on cash assets is the Australian bond return, and the interest rate on the growth assets is the Australian total equity return, both included in the SUPA model. [...] The parent’s CEV is defined as the fixed percentage increase in the parent’s annual consumption in the Baseline Scenario required to achieve the same utility gain as in the scenario under consideration. [...] In Scenarios 2 and 3 mentioned above, if the parent gifts the child a 20% first home deposit at time t “ 0, the portion of the gift exceeding $10,000 is included in the parents’ total assessable assets for the first five years of retirement. [...] Then, we present, as the main results, the effects of the scenarios and policy experiment defined in Section 2.7 on the parent, adult child and the family as a whole. [...] Main Results In this section, we present the main results of the paper, comparing the utility gains and losses for scenarios with different reverse mortgage and gifting strategies compared to the Baseline Scenario, where the parent neither uses a reverse mortgage nor gifts the child.