cover image: Kenya’s Good Governance


Kenya’s Good Governance

8 Jun 2021

The sustainability of good governance structures and processes is key, alongside improvements in the interaction between the public and private sectors and improved engagement with business on governance issues, locally and nationally, to provide a clear framework to elaborate the extent to which the government should participate in the business. [...] This is driven by the notion of shared prosperity; the promise of Kenya’s future is inextricably linked to the prosperity of the region and the continent. [...] Concluding remarks and recommendations In brief remarks, during the conclusion of the Conference, The Institute for Development Studies reiterated the role that Kenya continues to play in regional stability and beyond the region noting that the challenges that the country face are not conventional. [...] Wilton Park, the funding partner of the Conference, noted that the speakers and the participants had raised different discussions and recommendations, and thus there is need for a continued conversation and to continue collaboration and providing the spaces for such discussions. [...] Parliament and the Commission on The costing of the roles of national Revenue Allocation should facilitate and county governments in the review and costing of functions in the Civic Fourth Schedule of the constitution Fourth Schedule to ensure equity and engagement has not been finalized efficiency in revenue sharing between and public the national and county governments.


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