cover image: Report Healthy societies and healthy populations: urgent actions for healthy futures - learning from COVID-19


Report Healthy societies and healthy populations: urgent actions for healthy futures - learning from COVID-19

28 May 2021

Climate change and degradation of biodiversity is the biggest health threat of the 21st century and is crucial to achieving healthy societies and populations. [...] The biomedical model carries the assumption that macroeconomic growth is how we can create the tools and resources to improve health, while the social determinants of health approach integrates social, economic, and cultural rights, and provides a more holistic framing of health and wellbeing. [...] It is time to engage ordinary people and communities in defining and implementing the healthy societies agenda, particularly as they have seen and felt the financial and social impact of inequalities as a result of COVID-19. [...] We need to create a space for sharing ideas and knowledge and for a diverse group of individuals and organisations to lead the healthy societies agenda. [...] to co-create each Climate change and degradation of biodiversity is the biggest health threat of the other and we need to 21st century and is crucial to achieving healthy societies and populations.


Michele Hankins

Published in
United Kingdom