Seventy-two percent MINIMUM WAGE of these mothers are also in the labor force.2 Women’s caregiving has historically been undervalued in the United States, but this year, the pandemic has underscored the value of the caregiving work that often falls to mothers and the critical need for paid family and medical leave and other policies to support caregivers. [...] THE VALUE OF UNPAID The demands of childcare have increased significantly CAREGIVING IF MOTHERS during the pandemic – and mothers have born the WERE PAID THE MEDIAN majority of that burden. [...] Calculated by multiplying the number of mothers in the United States by the 31.65 hours per week during the pandemic that mothers are spending on unpaid child caregiving and the number of fathers by the 19.34 hours per week during the pandemic that fathers are spending on unpaid child caregiving. [...] Figure calculated by adding the Census Bureau estimate of mothers of children under the age of 18 and the AARP/NAC estimate for the number of female caregivers. [...] Calculated by multiplying the number of mothers in the United States by the 31.65 hours per week during the pandemic that mothers are spending on unpaid child caregiving.
- Pages
- 3
- Published in
- United States of America